I collaborated with Kay build her brand and grow her London-based business for 9 years. She's trusted me with a wide variety of projects, from website designs to the design and layout of her latest book. I've helped keep her brand fresh and inspiring, and contributed to her marketing campaigns, social media, product launches and live events and conferences.
We're working our way through our second refresh of her brand materials to support her shift from offering communications mentoring to women in business to offering career mentoring for corporate women. Our strategic design shifts started with her book, and we're working through all of her branded materials over time in a staged rollout.
Logo and Brand EvolutionKay teaches corporate women how to stand out - or as she says, "sparkle". Her original logo included a triangle over the i, which we transformed to this sparkle shape.

Live Event Design
Created proprietary figures and brand textures, logos for offers, room decor (posters, window decals, cardboard stand-ups, staff uniforms,, PowerPoint presentations, promotional graphics, and more.

Kay's Main Website - Version 1
One of the first orders of business in our work together - redesigning her launchpad website into a site that could house her considerable thought leadership and would appeal to corporate audiences.

Book and eBooks

Webinar Opt-In, PowerPoint and Social Media

Virtual Event Design
In 2020, Kay produced a virtual event, and I designed the brand, sales page, PowerPoints, handouts and offer materials.

Landing Page: Mentorship Enrollment
One of many landing pages we designed together over the years to support her training programs. Partnered with another digital agency to bring this Kajabi design to life.

Social Media Graphics
Designed graphics for Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. These are from the preview call and book campaigns.